World Gin Awards 2021 are now open for entries!

I’ve received an email this morning from the wonderful people at Paragraph Publishing to advise they are now taking submission for World Gin Awards 2021.

The last few months through a massive curve ball to the industry. It must be noted that some of the quick thinking adaptations of distilleries, bars/pubs/restaurants and events have been really impressive. The creativity of problem solving has been something to marvel at, although really, we are still looking at the future and getting back to the things in the industry that we’ve been missing.

For me, as well as these things, I’ve also had my eye firmly on competitions and awards. For some, the move to online panels could be relatively easy, although not the same. For others, they really do rely on panellists being in a room together. I think for many of these organisations, the last few months have been a very difficult thing logistically, trying to ascertain what was needed, and to make arrangements that are all essentially subject to change. However, I think we’re starting to come through the other side, as we start to see announcements like this. And for the record, WGA aren’t the only ones moving forward with their plans. There are others in the pipeline, but I’m keeping ‘schtum’ on those until I’ve got permission to talk about them properly. Don’t worry, you’ll hear from me as soon as I do.

World Gin Awards are part of Worlds Drinks Awards, presented by TheDrinksReport.Com

The competition is huge. With gins alone, there are 11 taste categories and 8 design categories. The judges comprise a fantastic group of people from around the world who all share a passionate knowledge for the spirit. And somehow, little old me get’s to judge with these lovely people too. In fact, this will be my fourth year judging for them, and I couldn’t be prouder of that.

I could go into more detail of the judging process and what you get for your entry, but to be honest, you’re better off checking them out directly. If you have a gin you’d like to enter, or if you know someone who makes gin, and you’d like to find out a little more, head to their site and you can find out everything you need to know.

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